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Y-W Electric Association, Inc. will hold the 2023 Annual Meeting on Thursday, June 8, 2023, at the Y-W headquarters in Akron, Colorado.

Following is a summary of some of the bylaw requirements pertaining to annual meetings and election of directors:

  1. Voting for Directors shall be by mail ballot or in person at the meeting. At least seven per centum (7%) of the members voting shall constitute a quorum for the election, providing at least 100 members shall attend the annual meeting in person. At least 100 members must be present at the meeting to conduct other business.
  2. At the 2023 meeting, three director seats shall be up for election:

    District No. 3
    Original 3rd Commissioner District – Yuma County
    Freeman Morris

    District No. 6
    3rd Commissioner District – Washington County
    Joneal Young

    District No. 7
    Town of Akron
  3. Nominations shall be by petition only (The Form of Petition is available at Y-W’s office in Akron or will be mailed upon request). The petitions must be filed with the Senior Consumer Account Representative by delivering to Y-W’s office located at 26862 US Highway 34, Akron, Colorado, not less than 60 days before the meeting (no later than April 6th). A minimum of 15 members must sign each petition and the members signing must be residents of the District in which the nomination for vacancy occurs.
  4. The nominee must be eligible to be a Director as outlined in the bylaws, including being a member and a resident of the Director District which he/she is to represent. However, the operating or chief executive of a member that is not a natural person, such as a corporation, church, etc. may become a Director although not receiving service from Y-W at their primary residence, if the nominee, is in substantial permanent occupancy, direction, or use of the premises served by Y-W. Such nominee must reside within or in close proximity to an area served by Y-W.

Any member who wishes the Board to consider placing any bylaw amendment or other item on the Annual Meeting Agenda should notify the office by April 6th, 2023.
Please contact our office if you have any questions or suggestions.


Y-W Electric Association, Inc.
Trent Loutensock
General Manager